Tuesday, March 17, 2020

SOL20 D17 Easing into our days

We saw a little sunshine in Ohio today, so the family headed down to the Loveland Dairy Whip, our beloved soft serve ice cream place. Their walk-up window and drive-thru are still open for now. After the mile or so walk (most of it downhill), Greg realized that he'd have to head back home and get the van. Thank God! I was already dreading the walk back up the hill. 

It felt good to be out. We saw quite a few neighbors on their way to an outing social isolation style - some headed to the park, some on a walk. We saw miniature daffodils that had sprung from a neighbor's side yard. It was assuring to see that nature is still doing its thing. We came home and played basketball and then Uno sitting on the front porch. 

We're easing into our days. The boys are rediscovering Legos. Emma is still working on her room re-do: tomorrow she paints! We tried an experiment that one of the teachers posted on FB. We unearthed a never-before-used art kit. We tried to watch a Mo Willems video, but the boys started wrestling half way through and I tossed them down to the basement.

Greg and I are trying to figure out how to balance our own "stuff" with parenting (and co-parenting). Our kids are big, but they still need us so much (like, so, so much). 

I am still scared, but am also leaning into being able to slow down. And I acknowledge what a privilege that is. We can both work from home. We are not food insecure. We can use technology to keep us connected (we had a great Zoom session with my in-laws). I hate that for so many families, they don't have the same opportunities. 

1 comment:

  1. Like you, I'm ok for now. I have everything I need, I'm not hungry, I have internet access. I keep thinking about my sixth graders, who are probably, best case scenario, home babysitting younger siblings. And about the ones whose parents work in restaurants, because all of the restaurants in Denver are closed. I'm wondering if they have food. How I miss them...
