Saturday, March 14, 2020

#SOL20 D14

Day 1 of social isolation:

Send help - the boys are ready to kill each other. We have one section of the basement ceiling down due to "I tripped and fell."

My husband and I are debating whether or not our planned road trip to Orlando should go on. Status: unknown.

Daughter and I had a great day -- we bought a swim suit (in case we DO go to FL) and she would only let me in the dressing room once she chose what she liked. I was shocked at her chest. She assured me it was the padding.

Nap status: good. I got one in today. That's my strategy for health. Napping regularly.

Games played: 1 game of Clue (Harry Potter).

Tears status: 3 outbreaks. One due to game play; one due to wrestling; one due to overtiredness.

So, overall, good day.


  1. This is all so true! I love it. I keep thinking I need a log of the days at home -- today is still technically spring break for us -- so I might start on Monday. My logs are going to include a lot of fighting and whining, I'm afraid. UGH!

  2. It is so tough to have kids at home when they should be at school and they don't fully understand what's going on. I do hope you can stay positive and keep them from fighting too much! Fairly glad all my kids are grown and gone (although usually I wouldn't be!
