Monday, March 18, 2019

Day18: The Truth About Why I Love My Aunts

Yesterday, I wrote about my Aunt Kathy in honor of a "big" birthday. As I was writing, though, I was reminded that in my life I am abundantly blessed in so many ways. One of the biggest blessings is a life full of aunts who feel like more than aunts. Three aunts of each side of the family, plus ones who've married in, have helped shape me as a woman, as a mother, as a sister. I can't begin to capture all the memories, but here I try to illustrate their place in our families' lives. 

With thanks to McKeel McBride
Of everyone in a family,
aunts are the most fun to play with.
They teach you to drive,
rock your babies,
give you too much chocolate,
and sometimes say things that are hard to hear,
but no less important.

I guess I forgot to mention how much I used to love sleepovers:
Betzy's for staying up too late;
Shari's for a taste of independence;
Mary Ann's for tastes of culture;
Tari's for epic family gatherings;
Susie's for a view into a world unknown;
Sleepovers have taken on new meaning now --
weddings, funerals, hotel lobbies --
celebrations of life marching on.

My aunts are like my favorite trees,
Deeply rooted, standing tall,
offering shade from the hot sun,
protection from rough winds.
As a child, I played among them,
knowing I was safe.
Now, I feel their steady presence,
even when I can't see them.

There are aunts by marriage too.
The "other" Kathy, a shelter.
Nancy, a solid presence, joy every time, even across a phone line.
Gina, a model of care-taking and patient love.
These women, grafted to the family tree, have taken root,
help make the soil richer.

If I could have my wish,
I'd take a bit from each of these women,

and pass these on to the next generation,
nourishing the saplings of the family.


  1. Oh my gosh! You're going to make me cry. You did justice to your dear aunts and great job using the mentor text to capture how you feel. Love that you shared this as a slice! Thanks

  2. What a beautiful piece of writing with so much heart! As an aunt and as a sister that has sisters and sisters-in-law that love my kids as their own, I love this even more!

  3. I love the McKeel McBride mentor text, and your writing is beautiful. I love how you honor your aunts and take the image from tree to sapling in wishing for the continuation of a legacy!
