Friday, March 13, 2020

#SOL20 D13 Should I panic yet?

I'm in a state where schools are closed. And it is bananas.

Today I went to Kroger and saw a friend I haven't seen in ages. We hugged. Then she told me she works at a hospital and I wanted to jump in a shower.

This morning I met a colleague at Starbucks. As we sat there, someone four tables back coughed and we both looked at each other.

But here's the thing. I can't live in isolation. What will I do?

Tonight we met with a family we love so dearly for our pizza night. We decided that we would be each other's people (we read about this in the Atlantic). We played Uno and talked about life. It was cathartic.

So, hold each other tightly (figuratively). And communicate. Write a bunch. And take a deep, deep breath.


  1. Many of your snippets resonate with me, from the “at attention” coughs and awkward hugs. Keep calm and write on!

  2. Yes that is really good advice, we can't be paranoid and we need to stay in touch as well as write!
