Tuesday, March 2, 2021

I Could Not Care Less About My Side Part

You know what's weird? 

That anyone our age gives a shit about what younger people think of us. 

The thought that my grandmother would have ever cared what my mom thought about her sensible shoes and her weekly trips to the beauty shop is laughable. She was busy raising her kids, making ham loaf, and being a boss. 

And my mom? When I was 20, she was 40, and she couldn't have given two figs what I thought about her. The idea that I could have somehow teased her about her clothes, or her hair cut, or the way she reacted to things, and that she'd actually care is, honestly, not something I'm capable of imagining. 

We teased her plenty. She. Just. Didn't. Care. 

She didn't even contemplate caring. She was too busy working hard, ignoring us so she could read her book, and cultivating her own interests through church and volunteering. 

So, ladies, a bunch of 20 (or 30?) year-olds are making fun of us for our side parts? Who cares. I rock my side part proudly. My 13-year-old daughter told me I should part my hair in the middle. To prove her wrong, I did it. She quickly agreed that my side part is where it's at. 

And the use of 😂? I own it. It's my number one most used emoji. It captures so many feelings. I can't be bothered with emoji nuance. I've got gifs to overuse and memes to screenshot. 

Also? I just got used to skinny jeans. I will be wearing them for a while. Mainly because I gave away all my boot cut jeans (and, if I'm being honest with myself, I long ago "outgrew" them). I like to imagine that some high school kids are searching through the stacks at the Goodwill and discovering my boot cut jeans, rocking them the same way my sister used to rock the bell bottoms she discovered at Salvation Army. 

Part of being a young person is approaching the world with scorn. Then being ignored. That means that we, now the older generation, have a DUTY to ignore the scorn. It is not for us. We are too old to feel sensitive or judged or defensive. Let them make fun. They have the arrogance of those with perky boobs. They'll get theirs.  

If you're like me, you might feel a little weird realizing that we're slipping into this next category of society. I turned 44 this year and, just as with every stage of life so far, I don't feel as old as I thought I would. I notice, though, that the world is starting to see me differently. When someone addresses me as m'am, I look around first. I routinely mortify my kids because I'm too friendly, or I laugh too loud, or I'm just so...me. 

I remind myself that I felt the same way when I was their age. Part of what helped me get through that phase was that I felt like nobody older actually cared what I thought. It was humbling. I thought I knew everything. Living in that gray space was a pivotal part of my maturation.

And so here we are, my friends. We actually do know a lot of things. Instead of worry about what younger folks think, let's focus on cracking each other up, comparing notes about fashion with each other. Let's ignore the "advice" from the young ones. It's not for us to listen to them. 

Let's instead focus our energy on leaning into our wisdom, in growing our circles of support, and paving the way for the strong women coming up behind us by modeling for them what it looks like to be self-assured so that when the tables inevitably turn on them, they'll know how to act. 


  1. I just saw a facebook thread about this... and I died. Who is doing the making fun of?? This is a rat race and we are all in it. I'm keeping my side part and skinny jeans too.

    1. (This is Abigail... no clue why I'm unknown :) )

  2. AMEN! I am also embracing #gracefullygray and letting the natural hair color happen. Besides, I know if I tried to do the flared jeans thing that is now trendy, I would fall and hurt myself in a most unglorious way!

  3. I'm 33 and also keeping my side part, skinny jeans, and crying laughing emoji. I do love knowing what's "on trend" so I can use those things and show my middle school students that the things they love get less cool when older people take part. :) Overusing teen slang in the classroom has been my M.O. since 2009.

  4. Love your sense of humor and direct tone. So what, fashion comes full circle. Not my fault an entire generation has decided to part their hair down the middle so they can all look like progeny of Mo from The Three Stooges. And do they think they invented flare-legged jeans. Truth be told I’m fixin to order some granny house dresses, the kind that look like baby clothing, because I can’t stand having anything squeeze my ample thighs, and forget perky boobs. Mine lie beside me and keep me company at night. They’re literally my bosom buddies.

  5. Side part FTW! 😂😂😂😂 Along with an endless string of laugh/cry emoji. What's the point of emoji anyway if you can't use them how you want? Plus, I don't even like jeans, skinny or otherwise. It's fun to see my daughter gravitating to the type of clothes I wore. I haven't shown her pictures yet, but I'll soon be the coolest mom ever with all of my "aesthetic" outfits, middle part, and perky boobs.

  6. One of the best posts I've read in a long time! I'm so thankful that somewhere along the line my path crossed yours, so I could learn from you : )

  7. This is spot on and hysterical! "The arrogance of those with perky boobs!" LOL. I'm with you, I'm not sure how my oldest will be 21 this month because I just turned 21 myself! Thanks for sharing!!
