Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Taking a Walk With a Sea Lion

A sea lion followed me this morning.
Or maybe I followed him.
We traveled parallel paths,
him playing in the waves,
me dipping my toes in the surf.
We moved together for half a mile,
maybe more.

I first saw him lying in the sand,
ahead of me,
as if maybe he was waiting.
As I got closer,
he scooched back into the ocean,
where he belonged.

I'm also scooching home,
back where I belong.

But, first, I'll take a walk with a sea lion.

1 comment:

  1. Aw, I love this! A sea lion dance.:-) I liked these lines:
    We traveled parallel paths,
    him playing in the waves,
    me dipping my toes in the surf.
